This is it. This is the last time I'm doing this. The last time my feet will hit the stretch of pavement. I wont smell this street anymore. Wont stop to buy a dirty water hotdog on the corner. Wont get harassed by the same crackheads wanting change, the same hustlers pushing 3 card monte, the same paperboys asking me to buy The Times. I don't have to play the "good street bad street" game of Russian roulette anymore. I dont have to push through ever expanding crowds just to get a bottle of juice anymore. No more gang bangers, pimps, pushers, hoes, perverts, homeless, suits, cops, yuppies, hipsters, hustlers, thugs, tourists....
I always thought this city would swallow me whole. I'm kind of suprized it didnt. I kind of wish it did....
Song: Ever see 25th Hour? Almost anything from that.
why so serious?