Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday 5: Podcamp Pittsburgh

1. What brought you to Social Media and what keeps you hanging around?
It all started with Wrestling. A discussion was had between my friend Sorg and myself about streaming some audio about Wrestling every week or so. Everything snowballed from there. As to why I come back? I could think of a million reasons. Creative outlets, fans, people I get to meet, people I've become friends with, the opportunity to express myself, the freedom, the oppurtunity, feeling like im part of something bigger, The Network, The Struggle, The Life. I love it all.

2. Which social networking tool gives you the shakes when it’s not updated or is experiencing down time? (Podcasts, Blogs, Micro-blogging, etc)
Google. Gmail, My reader, My blog, My calendar, Google, Google, Google, Google, Google, Google, Google, Google, Google.

3. What kind of insight could you offer to others on a topic at PCPGH3? If none, then what do you most want to hear more about?
How to start a podcast from nothing. Its been a panel I've hosted with my crew before. Barebones, Grass roots podcasting.

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