Another Thursday and its time for another 5 questions. This week its my honor to question one half of the smash hit podcast
Should I Drink That. He's a blast to hang out with, has some of the best stories and excellent taste in all things alcoholic. Ladies and gents, Sick Puppy.

1.Tell us about who you are and what it is you do.I am currently a network engineer for a large communications company.
2.Why did you get into social media?
I'm a geek and I love craft beer
3.What is it that you love about social media?
The number of new friends I have gained through this whole experience and
the opportunity to learn new things.
4.What keeps you coming back? Why do you keep creating content?Free beer and free beer..oh and our awesome fan base!
5.What is it that you want to accomplish with your media?
I would simply like to improve on what we are already doing.
Eat a bullet!
Sickpuppy is one ugly son of a bitch!